As a health coach, I often have hard conversations with people. One of the hardest ones I have is on making the leap to investing in one's own health.
(This is a super honest piece. Be prepared) I think there are many things in play when one is challenged by cost even despite knowing full well that the product or service in question is going to help.
The Fear Of Success
Yeah, it's an odd fear, but if we look inside, we see it in one aspect of our life or another. It's darn scary for us to imagine ourselves getting what we want...the impossible becoming possible. Being happy and satisfied is often a future fantasy which also acts as an excuse for us to be miserable in the moment. Once I get what I want, then will I be truly happy? (Of course this is a much deeper philosophical question, and I believe that happiness is a state of mind independent of material and physical things. But this is how it overlaps with taking the bold step of paying for a service that will help you feel better). Believing You Are Worth It There, I said it. It's the brutal, honest truth and I see it daily. I don't fault a single woman for this. It's not our fault. It's simply a weight that we carry. (I carried this weight myself for many years) I see mainly women in my line of work. I notice that most women from almost every culture have been conditioned, over many generations, to put themselves last. We care for everyone around us first, and if there is anything left, we grudgingly give it to ourselves. We have been made to believe that we come last, and our needs are not as important. It's tragic AND it's up to us to break this pattern. No one is going to do it for us! As women, we need to start seeing ourselves as precious and worthy of care. Our health in turn will nurture the health of those we care for, and make us all more resilient overall. Learning to Love Ourselves Yes, this is a follow up to the last point, but it is also worthy of its own paragraph. As women we have forgotten how to love ourselves. And without self-love, there can be no self-care. Manicures and pedicures are not self-care. Indulging in wine and chocolate is not self-care (at least not when done regularly). There really is no role-modelling in the modern world for good self-care. We have masked true self-love with things like impulse shopping, late night dark chocolate, and self-improvement hobbies and activities. Until we learn to love ourselves, we cannot commit to nurturing our spirit, and till then we will not be able to spend money on the things that are truly, deeply good for us. How Spending Habits Hold Us Back. It's so easy to spend on the daily little pleasures (coffee, chocolate, take-out, movie rentals...) which easily add up to few hundred dollars per month. Yet it can be scary to put down a few hundred bucks on something bigger, even though it amounts to the same number in the end. We have been trained mentally to get the best deal, seek easy pleasure, and spend the lowest amount we can to get what we want. If a $6 bar of chocolate can give me instant pleasure, why spend $300 on a health program, right? Of course we know that's not true, but yet its a habit, and its hard to break out of it. The first moment I took the brave step of investing in myself, I felt like I had shattered a glass wall around me. I felt so incredibly free. Since then I have never looked back at spending on my self-growth. In fact, I am wary of anyone selling something that's too good to be true. If it's valuable, I know I will have to pay for it. Period. And I am okay with that cause I know now that it's always worth it! I often ask people who come to me to make a list of what they spend monthly on:
I guarantee that this adds up to over $300 per month (which is what it would cost, at the most, to work with me). I also guarantee that you will be spending much less on all these things after you work with me, and for your foreseeable future. Take The Leap If you have not taken the leap of investing in your wellness before, try it! If not with me, then with someone else you know that can help you. I know this takes trust. Trust that if you want something bad enough, the universe will support you. Trust that you will find the resources to make it work. There will always be competing priorities for that investment $. The money is rarely just sitting around without other pressing needs demanding its use. So, in the end you have to trust. And you have to know that you are worth it. (If you need a reminder, talk to me and I will tell you) My dream is to bring all women to a place of self-love, self-care and self-compassion so they can live their best lives, in their most radiant health. If you are ready to take the leap, and want to find out how Ayurveda can support you, book a complimentary 20-minute session with me here. Comments are closed.
Hi! My name is Muneera. I love sharing the wellness tools that I have discovered.
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